Join Unions On Labor Day!


WILMINGTON, Calif.—The Building Trades will join thousands of union members for a fun and festive Labor Day event on Monday, Sept. 4: the 44th annual Labor Day Parade, picnic and rally.

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SMART Local 105 sends a big group to march.
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Iron Workers Local 416 represents in Wilmington.
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Kids from Pipe Trades families love to ride on floats.
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Many Teamsters local unions participate.
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A Marching Bulldog from nearby Harry Bridges High School.
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Vintage cars are always part of the event.
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Each year, Building Trades unions march with banners, floats and family members out in force in this Los Angeles neighborhood near the Port of LA. 

In 2019, UA Local 709 Sprinkler Fitters joined the march.

Assembly starts at 8 am at Broad and E Streets, with the short parade kicking off at 10. Marchers walk down Avalon Boulevard to Banning Park, where they enjoy barbecue, hot dogs, and corn on the cob. Families can hear music by live bands. About three dozen booths offer information on union-oriented services and products for working families. 

It’s a great opportunity to learn about Building Trades jobs and apprenticeship.

In pandemic-stricken 2020, the parade was canceled and became a food giveaway.

“Labor Day brings us together as workers,” said Council Executive Secretary Chris Hannan. “This is California’s biggest Labor Day parade, and it’s a great chance for anyone interested in unions to find out more about what we offer—lifelong careers with good benefits and retirement.”

The event is free and open to all. For more information please go to:

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