Union Construction Workers Oppose the Recall of Natalie Rubalcava

Natalie Rubalcava is a smart and effective Anaheim City Councilmember.


Natalie Rubalcava is a daughter of Anaheim.  She has deep ties to the community, which provide her the vision and empathy to represent her neighbors and constituents.  

That is also why she is consistently on the right side of issues affecting the residents of Anaheim. It is because she is a fearless advocate for her district, the City of Anaheim, and for working people, the Los Angeles/Orange Counties Building and Construction Trades Council stands staunchly opposed to the recall of Anaheim City Councilmember Natalie Rubalcava.

Let’s all be very clear about what this recall is and is not about. The recall of Natalie Rubalcava is not about corruption. Natalie has not been charged or tried for any corruption. Natalie Rubalcava is being recalled because she let the voters decide the fate of Measure A.

When Anaheim was presented with what would eventually become Measure A, there were many voices warning of the dire consequences of such a policy. It would have led to driving away business, reducing vital city revenue and killing opportunities for union construction careers. 

Councilmember Rubalcava did the right thing and ensured that hotel workers were protected by providing panic buttons for vulnerable housekeepers. But she didn’t bend to the will of eccentric political leadership that would force a job-killing proposal down the throats of Anaheim residents, workers and small business owners. Instead, she listened to her constituents and allowed them to decide if the policies buried and hidden inside of Measure A were reasonable or not. 

She was right to do so: Nearly 2/3 of Anaheim voters soundly rejected Measure A last year.

Natalie has the support of residents, businesses and, yes, even labor. Last month, the delegates of the Orange County Labor Federation voted unanimously to oppose the recall. The overwhelming support for Natalie is a testament to the work she has done to be a champion for the working class in Anaheim.  

At the City Council, Natalie can be heard fighting for fair wages for workers, ensuring that successful businesses also provide community benefits, and advocating for affordable housing in her district. The working class of Anaheim has a friend in Natalie Rubalcava.

Natalie Rubalcava is not being recalled for corruption or malfeasance. She is not being recalled because she failed to represent her constituents or ignored their plight. Quite to the contrary. Natalie Rubalcava is being recalled because she listened to the residents and small business owners in her district, and she is being recalled because she gave voters a voice in a divisive policy decision. 

She is being recalled for doing the right things and ending up on the right side of history.

This recall election will cost the taxpayers over $700,000. The voters should not reward this type of behavior because the proponents of this recall, if they are successful, will come back again and again and again. 

The time has come for the voters of Anaheim to put these politically terrorizing tactics to bed, once and for all, by rejecting this recall the same way they rejected Measure A.

The Los Angeles/Orange Counties Building and Construction Trades Council, representing 150,000 hard-working men and women, aggressively opposes the recall of Councilmember Natalie Rubalcava. 

We call on elected officials at the local, state and federal levels to join us, and we urge voters of Anaheim to vote NO on the recall.

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