BUENA PARK—The Los Angeles/Orange Counties Building and Construction Trades Council endorses Connor Traut for Orange County Board of Supervisors, 4th Supervisorial District.
The Council advocates for policies that benefit the construction industry, particularly the workers and the companies that employ them. The Council and its affiliates work with elected leaders and policymakers to ensure economic growth and development that lead to job opportunities for Building Trades union members across the region. This endorsement is a signal to voters that the Council and its affiliates believe that Connor Traut is the best candidate to achieve these goals for the working men and women of Orange County.

“Connor Traut is a longtime ally of working families in Orange County,” says Ernesto Medrano, Executive Secretary of the Building Trades Council. “In Buena Park, we saw firsthand the difference that Connor Traut made as a councilmember and mayor. With his leadership, the City of Buena Park entered into its first Community Workforce Agreement for infrastructure projects. It’s been a huge success, enabling Buena Park residents to join Building Trades unions and apprenticeships. It strengthens the local economy.
“Now, Connor Traut is ready to meet a new challenge: to help lead a county of 3.1 million people at a dramatic time in American politics.”

Medrano adds that Traut’s commitment to public service started early and is an advantage. “Connor Traut entered politics at a young age and brings a fresh perspective,” Medrano says. “There’s no question that he is ready to join the Board of Supervisors.”
The Los Angeles/Orange Counties Building and Construction Trades Council represents 160,000 skilled members of 48 local unions and district councils, with members on the job building iconic Orange County projects like Disneyland Forward and OCVIBE. For more information, please go to: www.LAOCBuildingTrades.org